In all episodes of this animation series, the stories are based on scientific information from the life of insects and the verbal and visual humors have made these adventures attractive for children. A lizard named “Kerpu”, a spider named “Tārtan”, and a firefly named “Mahshab” form the three main characters of this series. These three friends are pictured from insect world having childish characters. These three form a triangle in all stories, and their challenges over the events get the stories ahead. All of the stories come to an end nicely and with the success of the main character.
2013 / 26 Episodes / 12 min
Producer: Mehdi Saffarpour
Writers: Zohal Razavi / Leyli Khatami
Director: Zohal Razavi
Background Artist & Director Assistant: Samira Pishanidar
Character Designer: Masih Razavi
Animators: Masih Razavi - Vahid Rezaei - Rana Abedi
Baqer Bahram - Baqer Tatari Rad
Inbetweeners: Hoda Zamanian - Sima Nasiri
Raheleh Khosro Shahi - Ziba Sareh
Editor: Mehdi Saffarpour